Nov 4, 2008

E N N O B L I N G - M O M E N T S

Finally the long awaited United States elections are up today. The 2 leading men, Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain are in the race to the president. The whole world is anxious to know the results, yes in today’s world where the global economy is so much dependent on the US. This election is going to be pleasing change from the Bush Administration. Everyone has seen what’s happened in the last 10 years since Bush is in the office. Everyone wants an inevitable change. With the news in papers and some very well know friends of mine in the US, it seems Obama has a better chances of winning. Obama leads McCain in all opinion polls, making everyone believe that his win is imminent.

Election in the US is not a holiday though; people are expected to cast their votes before or after their work. Though the system used doesn’t seem to be a perfect election, much less a perfect democracy, there seems to be a lot of bugs and flubs and such scattershot voting procedures, every one seems to be unsure on the other side. Obama is moving inexorably towards the capital from Florida through North Carolina and Virginia while McCain seems to be eyeing for Florida to Tennessee to Pennsylvania to Indiana to New Mexico.

What’s the world got to do with the US election, just look at the 2 presidential candidate’s things to do once they get elected.

Barack Hussein Obama

1. Has said he back the N-Deal but may reinforce non-proliferation rules that could resist transfer of technology and fuel to India under pressure.
2. Wants an end to terrorism in Pakistan’s Al-Qaida sanctuaries, favours to bring back more US troops back from Afghanistan and more training of Afghan soldiers, but not much clarity on the policy
3. Stronger opposition on Taliban
4. Taxes to be increased for companies which are outsourcing their businesses and slash income tax for middle class
5. Wants to increase capital gain tax
6. Wants to withdraw troops from Iraq
7. Wants to increase ethanol and other bio fuel subsidies and 80% cut in emissions by 2050

John McCain

1. Likes to be good for India since he would keep the commitments Bush made in the N-Deal
2. Continue on Bush Policy on Pakistan and Afghanistan
3. Favours increased troops in Afghanistan
4. Would continue Bush’s hard line on war against terror
5. Slash corporate taxes and give break to middle and rich class people
6. Doesn’t want to pull troops from Iraq
7. Opposes ethanol subsidy, wants to increase nuclear power in next 20 years and cut emissions by 2040.

So, with the above, I am not sure it would be much of a change with McCain back elected to office, but having Obama into office would surely make history and a new beginning.
Let’s wait and watch.

Today’s question

"Who do you think will win the US elections, Obama or McCain?"

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