India’s unmanned Chandrayaan 1 spacecraft blasted off safely as per news updates and the TV footage from a launch pad in Sriharikota - Andhra Pradesh (South Asia) to embark on a two-year mission of exploration of the skies. The spacecraft will take about 8 days to reach the Moon.
India is the 6th country to have launched a spacecraft to the Moon. The spacecraft probe will orbit the Moon (The probe itself weighs 1380kg and cost $80 million), compiling a 3-D atlas of the lunar surface and mapping the distribution of elements and minerals. The launch is regarded as a major step for India and India’s as it seeks to keep pace with other space-faring nations in Asia. Which is the Good part?
Chandrayaan-1, India's maiden lunar mission, sits on the launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India, ahead of takeoff on Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2008. (AP / Indian Space Research Organization)
Ground Reality, from the critics perspective like I “regards the space program as a waste of resources in a country where millions still lack basic services”. If you ask why I have few questions which have no satisfying answers?
The cost, despite the vast amount still needed to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty. Does anyone know the poverty rate in India? (Percentage of people living below the $1.25 a day was 42 percent in 2005). Does anyone know the cost of the Moon Mission? It’s a whooping 3.86 Billion rupees ($80 Million). You know it's Billion not Million.
Do you believe US launched numerous mission to the Moon in the last 3 decades? Yes you do,Right. Are they living on the Moon? Are they getting any resources or minerals from the Moon which is looking at their daily needs? Is it making any difference for the people in US in today’s world? No Right, they are still the same, The only useful or rather if you say benefit about this program is that India & Indian's can proudly say we are the 6th Country who has launched spacecraft onto the Moon.
Again, I have few more questions unanswered, worst case scenarios. What if the spacecraft doesn’t reach the Moon in 8 days? What benefits will 1 Billion people get out of this mission? Who is going to answer to the 3.86 billion rupees? Come on, let’s be practical and try to get some answers here.
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